LifeFit Bodywork

MaryAnn Zenter, LMT, Owner

Integrated Techniques

Myofascial Release

The science of fascia is rapidly evolving and myofascial release is ever-changing as a result.  It is considered an orthopedic manual therapy technique, and is generally very gentle yet very effective. 

Neuromuscular Technique

Also called Trigger Point Therapy, this technique consists of alternating levels of direct pressure applied to areas of muscle that are in spasm.  Very effective in breaking the pain-spasm cycle, it helps to clear up referred pain patterns.  For example, a trigger point in the shoulder may be the root of arm pain.

Deep Tissue Massage

Aims at releasing specific muscles and underlying connective tissue in order to realign structural imbalances. This technique may not include the whole body.  Deep Tissue massage does NOT have to be painful, and in fact can be very relaxing.  

Sports Massage

Geared directly to the person who is in training for a particular sport.  The focus is on injury prevention, maximizing performance, and injury treatment.  The massage is usually vigorous and uses cross-friction, compression, pressure points, and strokes for increasing circulation.

Swedish Massage

The basis of most traditional Western massage, it is a system of long strokes, kneading and friction techniques on the muscles, combined with active and passive movement of the joints.  When used for an entire session, Swedish promotes general relaxation, improves circulation and range of motion and relieves muscle tension.